23 October 2012 | BlueBridge One

Retail sales down 0.4% YOY to August

In a recent news release from KPMG, partner Andrew Underwood provided some interesting advice for those operating wholesale distribution supply chains. With retail sales values down 0.4% YOY to August 2012, the pressure on the High Street is relentless. Fashion has always been highly seasonal, but as we continue to experience very difficult trading conditions the advent of ‘fast fashion’ has raised the stakes, especially for those with fashion retail as the end point.

Real-time monitoring and cloud technology

Andrew Underwood said, “For far too long lip service is the most that has been paid to the importance of real-time monitoring, but if anything is clear, it is that the retailers who make use of cloud technology to instantly bring together information from every corner of the supply chain, will be in a better position to manage demand.”

In step with BlueBridege One and NetSuite

With KPMG a global provider of Audit, Tax and Advisory services, Andrew Underwood’s opinion is hard to ignore. His assertion is also completely in step with the core benefits of NetSuite ERP. NetSuite is cloud-based and wraps in the cost and efficiency benefits inherent in the SaaS business model of software delivery. It provides real-time information gathering and reporting capabilities. This helps those operating wholesale distribution supply chains to achieve greater agility, better efficiency and more rapid adaptability to changing market conditions and trends such as ‘fast fashion’. Unlike off the peg solutions, NetSuite is custom fitted by BlueBridge One so that the benefits are optimised to meet the needs of each customer. Why not find out for yourself? Click here to register for BlueBridge One’s FREE 14 day trial.

Click here to take a look at the news release on KPMG’s website.